Our Work. Our References
Below you find an quick overwiew of our last and recent projects about drilling- and geotools as well as about drilling-tech and geothermics:
August 2015: foundation of own distribution organisation for drilling products of shallow drilling , site investigation drilling and for deep drilling technology
Development and production of own product lines under the label LSPT Takeover of distribution partnerships for the companies Bulroc, GABS Saxony Representative agreement with Massenza Drilling Rigs , Italy
June 2015: Creating a new product line in exploration drilling engineering
Creating a new product line in exploration drilling engineering. Development has been completed in the recent months together with steelworks and manufacturers.
March 2015: Attendence GeoTHERM
Planned attendance to our clients on geotherm fair in Offenburg, Germany.
March 2015: Start market invesitgation
Start market invesitgation for an european company of exploration drilling engineering and geophysics in chile, argentina and bolivia.
July 2014: Consulting, restructuring and buildup of manufacturing lines
for high quality product lines in the sections: geologic geologische exploratory drilling tools, geotechnological drilling and extraction tools. Consulting with material selection to increase permanent strenght, manufacturing methodology and quality assurance Strategic market positioning